Lisa Holly's Dendronaut Show Pre-Opening Speech - Video

Lisa Holly, our President, speaks to her invitees at the Dendronaut Pre-Opening Celebration.

Lisa’s Speech:

Good evening, Everyone,

I am honored to stand before you today as the president of Berea Moving & Storage and WOOD-LEE International Art Handler, two pillars of our local community that have been serving you with dedication for over six decades. In the next few minutes, I will introduce you to our company's values and commitments, as well as an incredibly special event that highlights our dedication to the arts, our community, and the importance of local support.

First, we are immensely proud to celebrate 62 years of service to our community. Since our inception in 1961, Berea Moving & Storage has been the cornerstone of reliable and efficient moving services, while WOOD-LEE International Art Handlers has consistently upheld the highest standards of art transportation and handling. Throughout these years, we have evolved and expanded, but our core principles of trust, integrity, and a commitment to excellence have remained unwavering.

As we reflect on our long history of service, it is essential to emphasize the significance of supporting local art. Art is not just something to admire; it reflects our culture, a testament to our creativity, and a source of inspiration. Local artists infuse their work with the essence of our community, offering a unique perspective that resonates with our shared experiences. By supporting local art, we help to cultivate a vibrant cultural landscape right here in our hometown, celebrating the diverse voices and talents that make our community so rich and unique.

Furthermore, we recognize the indispensable role played by local in-house curators. These talented individuals (Candace Bembenick) are the unsung heroes behind the scenes, responsible for curating and preserving the cultural heritage of our community. They are the custodians of our artistic legacy, ensuring that our local artists' creations are highlighted and appreciated to the fullest. Supporting these curators is not only an investment in our cultural identity but a gesture of appreciation for their hard work and dedication.

In line with our commitment to supporting the arts, I am thrilled to announce our incredibly special event that encapsulates our dedication to the community. We invite you all to get to know us better through our upcoming art exhibit, a carefully curated collection of works by Jeff Poplar. This exhibit will not only highlight the incredible works of Jeff but also exemplify our deep connection to the community and the commitment to fostering the arts.

In conclusion, Berea Moving & Storage and WOOD-LEE International Art Handler stand as steadfast pillars of our community, celebrating 62 years of dedicated service. We understand the importance of supporting local art, and we recognize the invaluable contribution of local in-house curators. Through our forthcoming art exhibit, we invite you to embark on a journey with us, where art, community, and commitment come together in perfect harmony. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to sharing this exciting endeavor with all of you.

- Lisa Holly