Everyone Needs a Little Positivity

positivity bench

Recently, the Links, Inc. Cleveland Chapter selected our team to install a “Positivity Bench” at Mayfair Elementary School. Since 1987 the Cleveland Links, Inc., a national organization of all women members, has been doing projects around the community that are “devoted to supporting the culture and economic survival of African Americans and others of African ancestry.”  Links, Inc. programs’ utilize the arts, education, economic development, and public policy to create a positive impact in the community. The elementary school in East Cleveland received the Positivity Bench featuring the quote; “dream with ambition, lead with conviction,” from Vice President Kamala Harris, a prominent member of The Links, Inc. 

The bench and surrounding area are meant to be a calm space for open conversation, where anyone can rest. The ladies of the Links team and members of the Mayfair Elementary staff put a lot of thought into the placement of the bench, our crew even had to pose with it in several locations before the final spot was chosen. Our installers carefully dug holes for the bench posts to be placed into the ground. While we had full intentions of installing the bench solidly with concrete, the recipients wanted everyone involved to be sure of the placement. We installed the bench temporarily, making sure it was safe for the photo opportunity later in the day, and returned a few days later to finish cementing the bench in place after approval from school staff.

In order to expedite our process at the site, since we wanted to finish before the scheduled photoshoot, we assembled the bench in our warehouse the day before, making sure the legs were sturdily attached. With the weather also beginning to threaten rain, we were glad to have the bench assembled beforehand. Despite all of the last minute changes and complications, the bench is now securely installed at Mayfair Elementary.