Logistics for Artists - Video

President of Berea Moving & Storage and WOOD-LEE International Art Handler, Lisa Holly, discusses how her team collaborates with artists to ensure the safest possible transportation of their art. For certain pieces and installations, it can be critical to consider logistics at the very beginning of creation.


Hi, Lisa. Glad to have you again, today.

One of the things that you talk about a lot with WOOD-LEE International Art Handler is your ability to help artists, especially in the inception stages to understand logistics.

They might be making a piece that's large scale that they need to move to a gallery, or to someone's home.

You can provide solid input on how to make sure that they can get the things done the right way. So, it can get there appropriately. Can you tell me a little bit more about that?

Yes, Brian.

We are true believers in art. It is something we're terribly passionate about, and so as an artist makes something we want to be part of the process.

We want to figure out with them: does it need to be crated? Does it need to be soft packed? How do you transport? Can you use ups? Can you use an art transportation company only?

So, it's nice, when we work together pre-shipping... So that everything can you know, get there safely, and even sometimes recommend maybe not making something a certain way.


Just so that it gets where it has to go safely. Right?

As we know, you don't want to stifle creativity, stifle artists, but to help them to understand when sometimes again, when people have brilliant ideas, they're not always thinking about the little things, or the logistics.

Correct, and that happens a lot.

And we, as an example, had that happen when there was Guitarmania. Guitarmania had all these appendages that were all over the place, and unfortunately half of them snapped off because again, the artist was thinking beauty, and we were thinking logistics.

So, it is nice to collaborate with the artist, so that these appendages and what have you don't fall off the piece?

Very good. Thank you so much, for giving me a little bit more information on that, Lisa.

You're welcome, Brian.